Tao Te Ching: Seventy-Six { Philosophy Index }

Philosophy Index

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Philosophy Topics




Lao Tzu

Tao Te Ching


Man at his birth is supple and weak;
at his death, firm and strong.
As with all things.
Trees and plants, in their early growth, are soft and brittle;
at their death, dry and withered.

Thus it is that firmness and strength are the concomitants of death;
softness and weakness, the concomitants of life.

Hence he who (relies on) the strength of his forces does not conquer;
and a tree which is strong will fill the out-stretched arms,
(and thereby invites the feller.)

So the place of what is firm and strong is below,
and that of what is soft and weak is above.


Title: Tao Te Ching
(Dao De Jing or Daodejing)
Written: ~6th Century BCE
Author: Lao Tzu
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